Maintaining your code

Let's step through best practices in maintaining your Silverstripe CMS site.

Starting off with the recipe

We recommend to start your development by installing:

This already sets up a reasonable structure to your site that will make future maintenance easier.

See Setting up a development environment.

Using the CCL recipe

Starting with this recipe will also imply you use the silverstripe/recipe-cms module on your site. This is where the updates to dependencies and essential code required for running your website will be made available. It will make it much easier to keep your Silverstripe CMS up to date and take advantage of new features if you use these modules as the basis of your website.

See Recipes and supported modules for more details.

Maintaining modules using Composer

It's recommended that you don't modify third party module code in place, nor commit the code into your site's repository. Simply allow the composer install command to deploy the versions of your modules that are listed in the composer.lock file instead - this keeps your project code small and relevant.

Modules are meant to be reusable between multiple agencies, so if there is a problem with a supported module, submit a pull request to that module's github repository so the fix can be included in future releases. If you are unable to find a fix to make a pull request, you can log an issue instead of a pull request in a similar manner.

This makes it easy to maintain the site by switching module versions at desired moments so this doesn't happen randomly. Dashboard (our deployment tool) will never modify the module versions listed in composer.lock, so it's up to the site developer to choose right versions via composer.json, and to run composer update at the right moments. Ensure you test updated modules thoroughly before deploying a new composer.lock file.

You can also create private modules in GitLab for even better modularity. See Working with modules for more information on module creation, inclusion and sharing.

Security patches

From time to time we will include security patches in some recipes. When this occurs, we will release a new patch version of the latest supported quarterly recipe release (e.g. 4.7.3 for recipe 4.7).

You need to keep your codebase's dependencies updated with respect to the patch or sub-patch releases of the recipe to receive immediate security patches.

This is relatively easy - if your composer.json is configured as in the installer, it should be as easy as running composer update, doing a smoke test and pushing to the upstream Git remote. See the Upgrading guide for instructions.

See Recipes and supported modules for more information on versioning and on how to keep your stacks secure.

See Infrastructural considerations for hints on how to keep your stacks stable.

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